Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Good-bye 2008, Hello 2009!

2008 seriously and totally objectively sucked. I know for the country, it was landmark, with the election of Obama and such, but in my world, it pretty much blew goats. There were too many deaths, and despite the fact that death is natural...these were all, in my opinion, untimely, drawn out, and/or tragic. My grandfather...though drawn out, was the only one that came as a sort of a relief. And dating...well, I should have just stuck with death. There was an influx of less than worthy men that STILL went for the just friends/not sure I want anything now, despite the fact we met on a DATING SITE/disappearing act route. However, not even that has the effect that first finding out someone who has repeatedly reassured you that you are they woman they want to marry and that they want only you, is dating...and sleeping with...other people, women AND men. And along with those, and all the little stupid things that seem to rain down on me, I ended the year with what was pretty much the ugliest mystery reaction on the planet and 6 weeks of steriods that boosted my appetite just enough to make all the new clothes that I spent the year working to fit into, became tight and a lot less cute.
Regardless...I'm jazzed about 2009...like lamely jazzed (hence the use of the lamest word in the book - jazzed). I woke up feeling great on the first day of the year. Like the clock hands hit midnight and flipped off the clock to turn over a new leaf for ME. I don't necessarily have any specific resolutions, I just plan on enjoying
my life a little more...going out more, seeing movies, starting out days on a good foot, using nutrition and exercises as means to further my happiness in a number of ways, and trying a few new things. I'm SO looking forward to turning 30, as I've bought into Colleen's theory that 29 sucks so hard so that people (meaning women won't lose their shit over turning 30. So, welcome 2009...I have high hopes for you...don't let me down!:)

1 comment:

Colleen said...

And I'd like to say that so far 30 hasn't been that bad. Sure it's a little less than two weeks in but not bad.